Fiche cheval theta hedge

tseung kwan o handicapR6C1plathappy valley1000 M10233110 partantsDépart 11:10
12diamond soarsH58p0p6p0p5pchung y.l./100:57
23multimoreH74p3p0p0p4pmo h.t./1encolure
37dashing triumphH49p0p0p0p7pteetan k./1nez
48har har at heartH50p5p6p0p7pbadel a./1cte tete
510bell of victoryH50p0p0p(22)0pde melo k./11 l
65tronic mightyH61p0p5p2p3ppurton z./1tete
76happy horseH55p0p9p0p4ppoon m.f./11 l 1/4
84theta hedgeH60p3p3p2p0phewitson l./1encolure
99six best friendsH50p0p8p0pyeung m.l./1encolure
101good boyH48p8p8p9p7pleung k.c./12 l

yi o handicapR6C1plathappy valley1200 M1023319 partantsDépart 11:10
Non Partants : 3
18valhallaH65p5p6p4p8pde melo k./1
25vamosH64p2p4p6p8pbowman h./11 l 1/2
32multimoreH70p0p4p(22)0ppurton z./1tete
47tsuen wan gloryH69p0p5p0p6pbadel a./13/4 l
54easy twoH50p0p0p8p0pleung k.c./13/4 l
81fingers crossedH50p1p8p5p2pcurrie l./13 l 1/2
3theta hedgeH63p3p2p0p4ppoon m.f./1
66goodmanshipH67p3p5p9phewitson l./11/2 l
79hunky doryH54p0p7p5patzeni a./13/4 l

kowloon park handicapR6C3plathappy valley1200 M9809112 partantsDépart 11:45
112viva a laH50p3p4p6p7pbadel a./101:10
29young sparkleH40p4p9p3p7phamelin a./11 l
36theta hedgeH63p2p0p4p6ppurton z./1encolure
48jazz steedH83p4p9p9p0pho c.y./12 l
55sunshine legendaryH53p9p1p0p0pleung k.c./1tete
610circuit splendorH61p0p0p3p7pdee m./11 l 1/4
711travel gloryH69p2p0p2p7plai h.w./1nez
84oriental spiritH50p4p7p0p0pcurrie l./1tete
97eagle runH57p0p0p7p5phewitson l./13/4 l
103jack winH54p4p1p6p4pteetan k./11 l
112generous friendH50p0p0p(22)0pchung y.l./120 l
1happy gatheringH72p8p5p2pbowman h./1

ng fong handicapR6C2plathappy valley1200 M9809112 partantsDépart 11:15
111circuit splendorH60p0p3p7p0pdee m./101:10
21happy gatheringH78p5p2p(22)8pbowman h./11 l
33theta hedgeH62p0p4p6p4pho c.y./13/4 l
42jack winH54p1p6p4p2pavdulla b./1cte tete
54fingers crossedH52p8p8p7p9pteetan k./11 l 3/4
69super hornetH50p6p0p0ppurton z./1encolure
76just great twoH58p0p0p9p0ppoon m.f./13/4 l
812heavenly thoughtH90p4p3p6p7phamelin a./11 l
97double showH53p0p6p6p8phewitson l./1tete
1010euromissileH60p7p9p4p3pyeung m.l./1encolure
115island shineH89p0p8p0p5pleung k.c./111 l
128happily friendsH70p9p9p0p0pferraris l./11/2 l

waterfall bay handicapR6C1plathappy valley1200 M9809112 partantsDépart 10:45
110alloy kingH75p0p5p4p1pbentley h./101:09
24theta hedgeH60p4p6p4p7pho c.y./13/4 l
36double showH50p6p6p8p8phewitson l./11 l
42jack winH51p6p4p2p0pchadwick m./11 l
55valhallaH66p6p6p9p4pferraris l./11 l 1/4
61birdsvilleH57p0p(22)0p2pbowman h./11 l
73nordic combinedH50p4p9p(22)7phamelin a./1cte tete
88fortune masterH70p1p4p(22)7pleung k.c./13/4 l
97noir riderH70p0p0p7pchung y.l./13/4 l
1012encoreH60p0p5p0p8pk teetan/11 l 1/4
119compulsoryH58p5p0p4p9pbadel a./1encolure
1211circuit splendorH60p3p7p0ppoon m.f./13/4 l

ulsan handicapR6C1plathappy valley1650 M9809112 partantsDépart 10:45
12to infinityH50p1p0p9p0pleung k.c./101:40
210hang's choiceH52p3p0p7pchadwick m./11/2 l
35red impactH6(22)0p0p4p0pferraris l./11 l
48angels hunterH64p0p0p(22)7pchau c.l./1cte tete
512baron zeeH50p0p0p4pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
66glorious loverH79p4p5p3pde sousa s./1cte tete
77mister armH60p(22)4p3p8pmo h.t./1encolure
89medic eliteH50p7p5p5p3pbadel a./1cte tete
93circuit eliteH57p9p8p0p0pho c.y./11/2 l
104theta hedgeH64p6p4p7pteetan k./11 l 1/2
111happy jai jaiH75p3p7p7pbowman h./1cte tete
1211euromissileH67p9p4p3p4ppoon m.f./12 l 1/2

kalanchoe handicap - section 2R6C4plathappy valley1650 M13078812 partantsDépart 12:15
Non Partants : 2
91young victoryH71p7p0p(22)2pchadwick m./1encolure
2kung fu teaH82p6p3p1pnon partant/1
15the hulkH89p9p5p7p4pcurrie l./101:40
212red elyseesH109p5p6p(22)0ppoon m.f./11 l 1/2
33big twoH65p(22)0p6p6phewitson l./11 l 1/4
411theta hedgeH66p4p7p(22)4pteetan k./13/4 l
58one heart oneH53p7p5p6pho c.y./13/4 l
67right honourableH94p7p0p(22)0phamelin a./13 l
74happy hunkH40pde sousa s./11 l 1/2
810starship eightyH40p5p6p0p9pbadel a./15 l 1/2
109perfect rockH58p0p(22)0p0pbentley h./16 l 1/2
116jazz with dragonH40p0pleung k.c./1encolure